Thursday, July 21, 2011

Booking Through Thursday: Repeats

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Question July 21, 2011: What’s the first book that you ever read more than once? (I’m assuming there’s at least one.) What book have you read the most times? And–how many?

My answer: The first book I can remember reading multiple times is The Hobbit. I think I've probably read it 4-5 times, so it's also the book I've read the most.  I have always loved The Hobbit, and although I also LOVE The Lord of the Rings movies, I could never really get into the books. Another book that I've read at least 3 times is Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible. I think that one is due for another read sometime soon (by soon I mean maybe this year).


  1. I am not a re-reader of books. I have so many on my bookshelves waiting to be read, I just don't have the time to re-read books I read for entertainment. It is nice though for you who likes to re-read books.

  2. Interesting how many people have said The Hobbit. I loved The Poisonwood Bible as well.

  3. I was just thinking that I need to read the Hobbit again sometime in the near future!


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