It's been a few weeks since I've done Booking Through Thursday, here we go!
Do you remember the first book you bought for yourself? Or the first book you checked out of the library? What was it and why did you choose it?
My answer: Tough question!! If I think back, I remember that I used to buy all the books from R.L. Stine's Goosebumps series! I am pretty sure I started out by picking them from the Scholastic flyer at school!! I loved those books-and I was thrilled when they had the t.v. show on YTV. I am sure I bought books before those but not that I can specifically remember. As far as library books, I can actually see myself at the Charleswood branch of the Winnipeg Public Library through the years. First in the kids section to the right of the door, then the teen section almost right beside the counter, and then in the fiction stacks across from the door. Sigh. I remember my mom picking me up from junior high when I used to walk from school to the McDonald's parking lot and then we'd pick my sister up from Elementary school and then go to the library and I used to bringing a Safeway bag to bring home all the books I would get!! One of the first things I did when we moved to Toronto was get a library card, and this will be one of the first things I do in Red Deer!! Ok back to the question-the first books I can remember getting from the library were ones that taught you how to draw. they came in different categories, like people, or cats. I remember I would have such high hopes of becoming a fantastic artist, but alas it never worked out that way!! The books I most vividly remember getting from the library were the Piers Anthony Xanth books with their clever play-on-words titles!!
How about you? What is the first book you either bought, or borrowed from the library?
I loved R.L. Steine books :) ... oh and I remember the books that taught you how to draw too ... unfortunately I was a terrible artist.